Chest Pain in a 62-yr-old Man

History of Present Illness

A 62-yr-old man comes to his primary care clinic with the chief complaint of chest pain. He has no pain currently. He first noticed the pain 2 mo ago but attributed it to indigestion. He describes the pain as a pressure sensation in the middle of his chest that does not radiate anywhere else. It seems to come only with exertion and not at rest. He noticed it more last week when he had to shovel snow; he has had no pain since then. He says the pain usually lasts 10 to 15 min and goes away if he takes a break. When present, the pain is not worsened by movement or breathing. The last time he got the pain, he took an aspirin, which he thinks helped. The pain is not associated with shortness of breath, nausea, or diaphoresis. He denies any recent fever, cough, or infectious symptoms.

Patient 001