Weight loss and dizziness in a 29-year-old man

Laboratory Results

Results of appropriate testing return and show the following:


Test (units) Result Results (SI Units)
WCC (cells/mcL) 11,800 cells/mcL 11.8 x 109/L
Hemoglobin (g/L) 14.0 g/dL 140 g/L
Platelets (mcL) 245,000/mcL 245 x 109/L
Glucose (mmol/L) 75.6 mg/dL 4.2mmol/L


Na+ 130 mEq/L 130 mmol/L
K+ 6.2 mEq/L 6.2 mmol/L
Urea nitrogen (BUN) 42 mg/dL 14.9 mmol/L
Creatinine (mg/dL) 2.5 mg/dL 221 micromol/L
9 AM cortisol 1.8 mcg/dL [49 nmol/L] Normal 6.5-22.5 mcg/dL [180-620 nmol/L]
LFTs and amylase Normal
TSH (mU/L) 0.9 mU/L Normal 0.35-5.5 mU/L
FT4 (ng/dL) 1.6 ng/dL [18.4 pmol/L] Normal 0.9-1.7 ng/dL [10.5-20 pmol/L]

Venous blood gas

Test (units) Result Results (SI Units)
pH 7.32 Normal 7.35-7.45
HCO3- 18 mEq/L 18 mmol/L
Lactate (mmol/L) 12.6 mg/dL [1.4 mmol/L] Normal < 15 mg/dL [< 1.7 mmol/L]
Test (units) Result
Urine dipstick Negative
Chest x-ray Normal